When you are in financial distress, and have nowhere to turn to while everyone on earth refuses to lend you money, you have one last resort - cash loans. Cash loans are future paychecks borrowed from lenders. Despite being easy to acquire (because of the credit check exemption), there are a few drawbacks one must consider before going for it.

Firstly, borrowers must be aware of the high interest rates. Since there is no need for credit score check, lenders will charge higher interest rates to compensate for the risk of default. The cost of borrowing of such loans can climb to as high as 300% per year.

Secondly, the ease of borrowing allows the borrowers to borrow without assessing their financial needs. People would often take the shortcut and borrow money to solve financial problems, when they can just live within their means by reducing expenses. Thus, unskilled financial management can draw people into a spiral of debts.

Thirdly, cash loans may not be legal in all places. Thus, borrowers must check with the local authority before going for one.

In conclusion, borrowers must thoroughly consider the few aspects mentioned above before getting a cash advance.

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5/9/2013 10:04:03 pm

Nowadays these quick cash loans are available everywhere. Borrowers must have proper knowledge about the eligibility criteria for applying for payday loan. There are some criteria’s for getting the quick cash online. Unlike the banks, the quick cash online do not check your credit history, which also means that a person who has the bad credit history can also get the loan.


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